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Actively protecting our forests


The work of the WaldLiebe forest conservation project in Neu-Anspach is close to our hearts. As part of our strategic partnership, another donation was handed over in December.

As a company from Neu-Anspach, we are happy to get involved in important projects in the region. The work of the WaldLiebe forest conservation project in Neu-Anspach is particularly close to our hearts. Here we are always actively involved with our GUDECO team. We also support the association financially. In December 2024, the time had come again: as part of our strategic partnership, we ceremoniously handed over a donation of €15,000.

The Waldliebe forest protection project works together with the citizens of the region to ensure the protection, conservation and positive sustainable development of our forest. Further information can be found at https://www.waldliebe-neu-anspach.de.

Im Bild (von links): Bernd Reuther (Vorstand Waldliebe), Birger Strutz (Bürgermeister Neu-Anspach), Michaela Denner (Prokuristin Gudeco), Christoph Waehlert (Revierleiter) und Jan Philip Kreß (Geschäftsführer Gudeco)
Im Bild (von links): Bernd Reuther (Vorstand Waldliebe), Birger Strutz (Bürgermeister Neu-Anspach), Michaela Denner (Prokuristin Gudeco), Christoph Waehlert (Revierleiter) und Jan Philip Kreß (Geschäftsführer Gudeco)


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